Veterans Football

Veterans Football

We have conducted an online survey to provide the interested participants with the opportunity to put forth their views on the potential league...

There has been an overwhelming interest from a number of teams. The headlines arising from each question are as follows:

  • 51% of individuals noted the 35-39 age bracket as the appropriate qualification age for the Veterans League. Generally veterans’ leagues would denote a 35 year old qualification age and it is likely that this will be implemented. For those that are slightly younger, rather than ignore you, we will look at ways to guarantee your participation in the league.
  • 58% of respondents stated that a 90 minute match is the appropriate duration for a Veterans League fixture.
  • An overwhelming 90% stated that they would like competition to undertake a league format.
  • 62% of individuals suggested that Sunday morning fixtures would be the most appropriate time for this league. 17% noted Monday-Friday evenings as a favourable time to conduct fixtures however, in the winter months, this would be difficult to implement.
  • Despite small-sided football increasing in terms of participation and favourability, 93% wanted this league to undergo an 11v11 format.  

There are still a number of concerns or issues teams may have that need to be addressed. One option for this would be for all interested clubs to provide a representative to attend a league meeting where the results of the survey can be discussed further. Additionally, frequency of fixtures and affiliation are areas that require further consideration.

If you are interested in such an event or would like to formally declare your clubs interest in participating in this league, please contact: or telephone 01202 688277.

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